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Posted by on Oct 29, 2015 in Advice |

Marketing Ideas to Skyrocket your Real Estate Business

Marketing Ideas to Skyrocket your Real Estate Business

As you know, your real estate business is fueled by how much you market it. The more you market, the more listings and buyers you will end up with – if you do it right. The following are some ideas on how you can market your real estate business to make it a killer year.

Knock on Doors

Think this is an amateur marketing tactic? Don’t. It probably worked for you when you first started, and it can work for you again. Get your business cards out, and start walking. Knock on doors and simply ask if the person who answers is interested in selling the house. If the person seems upset, simply apologize and walk away. If the person says no, try to leave a business card. If no one answers, leave the business card in a place you know the owner will see it.

Invest in Promotional Materials

T-shirts, sweatshirts, pens, and more are great ways to market your business. You can wear the items and have your family and friends wear them around town. The pens can be used as business cards. Hand them out and you may just find that you’ll get some inquiries from them.

Attend Functions in Your Community

You need to get your name out there in your area. The best way to do that is to start involving yourself in your community. Keep tabs on public events and go to them. If there’s a chance for you to set up a booth, do it. Get involved. People will be much more interested in using you if they see how busy you are in the community.

Be Personable

Your hand is the best marketing tool you have right now. Extend it and meet as many people as possible. All you have to say is hello and be genuinely interested in their lives. Often times, you will hear people talk about an event in their life or the life of a friend that could use your real estate services.

Never leave someone without handing a business card. That business card can be handed to other people who need your services. This means when you eat a restaurant, leave a business card with your payment. When you’re at a small business, ask if you can leave a few cards behind. Meet people and leave business cards all of the time.

Reach People Online

Look around you and see all of the people on their mobile devices. Everyone is online. You need to be online, so you can reach them. Set up a Facebook page, Twitter account, and LinkedIn profile. Be active on all of them and use them just as you do when marketing offline. Say hello to people, get to know them, and let them know you can help them with their real estate needs.

Keep It Going to Keep the Business Coming

You should never stop marketing your business. This is what will bring you clients consistently. Even when you have too many clients, you should still market your business. There’s always someone who will be able to take the listing or help a buyer, and you may just get a referral fee for it.

Be a rock star when it comes to marketing your real estate business. You deserve it after all you’ve done as a Realtor already.

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